Friday, May 11

From Free Will Astrology

"I'm a big fan of facing your problems head-on and dealing forthrightly with your pain. But what if that approach isn't always best? Renowned psychologist Richard Lazarus said he wanted to "challenge the view that psychological health demands full realism." He believed that some sick people get healthy faster by refusing to admit how serious their problems are. To those in stressful situations, he recommended that they could reduce their anxiety by describing their predicament in a matter-of-fact way. "Avoiding what is painful, to a great extent, seems to serve a positive function," he concluded. Although I'm not sure this strategy is universally applicable, I do recommend it for you right now, Aries."

I think I'm going to give this a shot for a little while. Fuck confronting those things that hurt.


DM said...

Or, I suppose I could try something like this.

Why not?

A.Ho said...

I constrict my anus a minimum of 170 times a day.

I'm happy as a clam, a minced clam, in a can of clams.

DM said...

I just love how we can find the most crazy shit in the universe.