Saturday, April 15

What I'm Not Good At

I have a date tonight. I'm doing my best to think good thoughts about this, to see the positive, the potential. Yesterday, when I hooked up the rendezvous, I was rather impressive. I find it unlikely that this will carry over. Change of environment = change of behaviors. Yesterday the environment was in my favor. Today, probably not so much.

This is suckitude.

UPDATE: Date has been postponed. I am secretly relieved.


DM said...

Just remember: after 2 drinks, everyone's on a level playing field, regardless of the environment.

So just have a shot beforehand, then your one beer should lift your mojo (which, last time I checked, was awesome) rapidly to the place where the elastic on panties loosen, and bra clasps unfasten, just because you are present.

K. G. said...

The environment that DM describes is amazing. I endorse the shot before date recommendation. Brilliant.