Wednesday, June 13

Japandroids alone

My sweetie got sick and so she couldn't attend the Japandroids show with me, but I'd already bought a ticket. There's no backsies these days but I figured; Hey no problem. Someone will want to come with!

Nope. Couldn't find anyone. This actually made me a little sad. Why don't I know enough people that someone would want to come with me to a rock show for free? (Or maybe buy me a beer but I wasn't going to ask.) What is wrong with my social abilities? Something has to be.

So I get to the show and I picked up my tickets and then said to the woman at the counter: hey, my girl got sick and I couldn't find someone to take this ticket: Could you give it to the next person who needs one? And she said she would. I got down to the venue and I was still feeling a little gloomy.

Writing is a salve in these situations so I started to write a little but then, the first act came on. And Cadence Weapon: Alright. His voice was a touch buried in the mix: I could only hear his lyrics when he was shouting but I think I'll check him out. So everything started off pretty good.

Barely enough time for a beer later and the Japandroids were out.

Someday, my knees are going to refuse and my ankle will swell a bit much, my back will holler about standing for so long. My arms just won't be able to protect me from the jostling of the crowd. My poor, abused, headbanger neck will scream at me: just be fuckin' thankful I can keep this 5 pound meatbag ON you dick!

But not today. And a great rock show can cure what ails you.


A.Ho said...

I would translate not knowing enough people to find to go to a rock show for free to everyone you know having a busy obligation filled life that makes it hard to just go to a show on short notice. Also, people are tired.

DM said...

Ya, there is that. But the brain is funny, sometimes.