Thursday, November 11


.: So...I'm flipping thru the blog, no? Call it narcissism, but I do like to reread what I wrote, sometimes. There can be jems in there-and not. Occasionally there are comments-but this is rare.
Then I read this comment on the last post:
"Doug said... hola .. if you're interested in finding out how deep the rabbit hole really goes contact me 3:18 AM"

Now, really. What the fuck is going on here? You are not Morpheus, and I am not fucking Neo, and these little bullshit movie referencing headgames are something I quit giving a fuck about about 10 years ago. Being cryptic is bogus. Just fucking say you want to talk to me, or x,y,z or goddamn email me; it's not hard. You click on buttons. These buttons produce symbols on the screen known as letters-and I read those letters, decrypt what it is you're saying and we have a dialogue.

Otherwise, you're wasting my time.

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