Tuesday, March 1

Radio discussion

Something to go with the podcast link down low.

I like Plastic(the web site). Discussion is almost always above my head, and interesting.

In this case, I can tell you why I don't listen to radio.

1) Music is shit.
2) Playing 5 songs per hour is shit. (Average pop song, 3.5-4 minutes. Even if you wente to 5 minutes, hearing, say 9 songs/hour doesn't seem unreasonable. And that's if the songs are 5 minutes long)
3) DJ's are the unfunny. They not only lack funniness, they actually suck the funny out of me, somehow, through the airwaves. It's like a space-time warp, a black hole, a Satan of funny exists, and it absolutely implodes all that is humorous into itself, crapping out something worse than mediocrity, something that there isn't even a word for, it's so lame, bland and weak.
4) Every time I change the channel to hear something that isn't commercials or unfunny, I get...MORE commercials or Unfunny.
5) If the music by some miracle isn't shit, I can count on that hit song being played once per hour, on the hour. I once set my watch by when Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun was on the radio. (Quarter after, for those who were wondering)

That about sums it up.

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