Tuesday, April 12

Man, cell phones are dumb

And if you have one...I'd say there's a 14%+ chance that you're a friggin' moron too.

Blah, blah blah, they're useful, whatever. I don't care. I learned not to always answer the phone when I was 21. (Although I should've known better by then, really, but I've always been a late bloomer).

I'm currently playing Shadow Hearts: Covenant, and it's enjoyable. I read a review of Psychonauts yesterday in Play magazine that makes me think it might be the schnizite.


Vince said...

"schnizite"...Is that German for "Shizznit"?

DM said...

It's a bastardized spelling/phrasing from something I heard on Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Which I don't always understand, but often think is funny.