Tuesday, January 18

A Bit o Fun

Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band

Created by naw5689 and taken 8123 times on bzoink!

Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:Guided By Voices
Are you male or female:My Kind of Soldier
Describe yourself:I Am A Tree
How do some people feel about you:Fine To See You
How do you feel about yourself:As We Go Up, We Go Down
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:Motor Away
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:Hold On Hope
Describe where you want to be:Privately
Describe what you want to be:Lord of Overstock
Describe how you live:The Best of Jill Hives
Describe how you love:Glad Girls
Share a few words of wisdomDon't Stop Now

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1 comment:

DM said...

I like this. I think you did a better job with yours than I did with mine.