Monday, January 31

Wired News: My IPod, My Self

A bit scary to me, but true. My personality is resistant to this trend but I also realize that I am involved in it to a degree. I still buy CDs and don't like to download, so I'm not really connected as they suggest, though I do look around once in a while.

1 comment:

DM said...

I don't know-this just seems like the way we are, as people. One of the ways we express ourselves is though what we like, and what we like we tend to own.

And it's not like we already don't have people saying: I am my stuff. Yes, at this point, you can cue Fight Club right on up.

At least with music, people are trying to express themselves via art, instead of via the purchase of a fucking couch.

I'm not terribly afraid of this, so much as I am of making the mistake of judging someone based on what they own-as grevious an error, I think, as judging them on their shoes.