Tuesday, January 4

Punctuation and advice

The post about wanting a great ampersand brought the link on. It's unrelated, but still.

Advice-not as good as the Advicegodess, but still- is that if you use a razor blade to shave with, as opposed to an electric, do this:

Get a soapdish.
Fill said soapdish with mineral oil(which you should also get. No point in filling the soapdish with mineral oil you don't have.) Baby oil will do just fine. You don't have to fill the soapdish completely, just enough to keep the head of your razor in.

Keep razor in said dish. Your blade will last a hell of a lot longer, and I do believe it's improving my overall shaving experience, but I can't pin down how yet. Although a sharp blade that lasts longer is a good thing in and of itself.

Figure this will cost you $4, and trust me, it's worth it. Thanks to my Dad, who taught me this, got me the stuff for Christmas, and reminded me that old dogs can learn new tricks.
Especially when those tricks work.

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