Tuesday, December 14


.:Lo', The new Blood Brothers album Crimes appeared in my postbox yesterday, courtesy of my friend Dan. Joy! I've listened to it numerous times and I think that it is quite good. I know that Dan talked of it some over at his site, but I didn't give that a thorough reading yet, but I know he liked it as well. I don't imagine he would've given me one if he didn't find it worthwhile.

Initially I've found that I like it better than Burn Piano Island, Burn!, as amazing as that album is. What I like is that it isn't quite as Loud, Fast, or Hard. I like all those things, but as I age I find that my propensity to listen to such music for any length of time decreases. I could listen to Crimes all day long. Easily one of the best new releases I've heard this year. Thanks Dan.

1 comment:

DM said...

You're welcome. The Brothers did some good on Crimes, and I think you may've liked Burn Piano Island more than I did, I also feel Crimes is a stronger record.

I don't know that my desire to hear the loud/fast/hard things has gone down-but my tolerance for things that aren't good has decreased considerably as I've gotten older. I watch Headbanger's Ball sometimes, and I can't help but think that most of the bands are somehow recycling other bands-most of whom weren't that good to begin with.

I'm considering the concept that I don't want something new under the sun, I just want what IS under the sun to be done as well as it can be done. It's not always easy to remain open to an artist's good work, especially if that work doesn't speak to you. On top of that, there's a distinction between good work and bad-that is: The Greatful Dead did good work. It may not speak to me(since I consider them to be the most mind-decaying band that isn't reggae), but that doesn't take away from the quality. I have to, as a music lover, give the GD some credit for the 30 or so year career they had.