Wednesday, December 15

Odds are

.: I had a better day than you did yesterday. 'You' in this case being everyone. My sister, on the other hand, did not fare as well, as her car was stolen.


A.Ho said...

Sucky, big time sucky. Might I assume that it's Boo?

DM said...

Yeah, it's the Boo. She's still a little stunned from it, I think.
The funny part was-I was home(called in sick) and I get this phone call from her:
"You didn't, like, take my spare key and come down to my work, and borrow my car, did you?"

"No, why would I do anyth- oh no!"
It's kinda funny now.
She's actually more bummed about losing a Hall and Oates hoodie sweatshirt that was gotten for her by a friend years ago.

A.Ho said...

Lame, that was a sweet hoodie.