Friday, December 31

End of the year rant

It's over. It's posted.

Milfporn here = funny.

Freehand ampersand? Huh. Never thought about it. I just use the +.

I've been torn about the Firey Furnaces. I keep hearing conflicting stuff.

I can't find the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Cookies. I will burn cities and eat giant lizards.

Go GU. After the article I read in the Stranger,
they need a boost.

Happy new year, one and all. Be safe. Hope you're doin' well Aaron.


Anonymous said...
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A.Ho said...

Yeah, I'm doing fine, though this week has had it's challenges. And I want one of those damn cookies, and someone to go to breakfast with in the morning.

A.Ho said...

I found some of those tasty cookies at a Rite Aid here in Spokane. I haven't tried them yet. They come as a pack of 4 it looks like, 4 tiny cookies. Why not one big cookie. I dunno.